It’s incredible how much influence an inspiring individual or group of people can have on those they interact with. Our own operations are built around the principles of doing good for local communities and treating others the way we want to be treated — a philosophy everyone on the Hansen Lawn & Gardens team is very passionate about. Today, let’s take a look at how inspiration helps to shape a business into something extraordinary.
Where Does Inspiration Come From?
We never really know where we’re going to find inspiration — whether in people, organizations, or otherwise. One thing is for sure — you’ll benefit from taking the time to acquaint yourself with everyone in the spectrum. The more connections you make, the more chances you’ll become inspired by some really wonderful people you could have otherwise missed out on meeting. In a way, it’s similar to the what-ifs raised around significant life events (what if you never met your spouse or had a child, for example?). Making the right connections and sources of inspiration can be just as important when it comes to running a successful business.
There are Two Ways to Make it to the Superbowl
Growing your business and searching for inspiration is much like getting to the big leagues in the sports scene. For example, if you want to make it to the Superbowl, there are really two ways to do it: you either need to know the owner, or you need to know the grounds crew. This was what one of our clients said to our owner, Ed Hansen, several years ago. Even today, this comment resonates with him, serving as his mantra in delivering excellence as well as an inspiring working environment. No matter what, if you treat everybody the same way — how you want to be treated — then you thematically become closer to them and better understand their individual perspectives.
A Lasting Impression
That client who inspired Ed is still doing incredibly well, with employees who have been happy to stick around for over 30 years. In that sense, it wasn’t just our owner who received such valuable and motivating insight from that same person. A local business with strong ethics will succeed through compassion and mutual respect, especially in a day and age when we become distracted by technology and smart devices, forgetting to interact with the world around us in our daily lives.
In the end, surround yourself with happy, kind-hearted, and considerate people — they’ll inspire you and your business in more ways than you may realize. For more information, don’t forget to check out Ed’s latest video in his 30 Lessons in 30 Years series on Linkedin!
Want to hear more from Ed? Connect with him on LinkedIn!