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Let’s Take a Swing at Cancer

Hansen is one of the founders of the annual Let’s Take a Swing at Cancer Golf tournament. Which as of 2018 has raised over $300,000 towards cancer research for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is dedicated to increasing cancer survivorship in Eastern Ontario. They support cancer care and research to prevent, detect, diagnose and cure cancer.

If you or someone you know needs help and support you can find more information on the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation website.

You can also donate through the website for Let’s Take a Swing at Cancer Golf Tournament.


cancer survivors park

Cancer Survivor Park

Offers a place of serenity and inspiration to cancer patients and survivors, their friend and family. We are one of a group of professional companies that volunteer our time to help maintain the beauty and accessibility of the park.

Check out this video for more information about the park.


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Annual Food Drive

Every year we partner with the Alta Vista Family Fun Day to collect food items for the Ottawa Food Bank. The day is filled with fun activities where you can drop off food items and grab a hot chocolate. The event is held every year on Family Day.

You can find out more information about the Ottawa Food Bank’s service.


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Spring Ottawa Home and Garden Show

Join us at the Spring Show for a taste of Spring and some great inspiration!

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Fall Ottawa Home Show

Visit us at the Fall Show to start planning for the following year’s landscape plan!